1. Practice Empathy
Is your coworker experiencing family problems? Maybe they need someone to talk to. Open up. Understand their stories. Then brainstorm solutions.
2. Provide Value
Lessons are everywhere. Share some (life) lessons you’ve learned with your coworkers. Even one coworker will do. Then discuss the lessons with them.
3. Offer your Expertise
If you’re good with writing and one of your coworkers is having hard time with it, help in any way you can. Or offer some tips. In some cases (not all the time), do it for them.
4. Random Acts of Kindness
Give with no strings attached. It could be sharing your lunch or covering some minor expenses like fare or snacks. Or it could be gifting someone on their birthday.
5. Spend Time Outside Work
So both of you love traveling? Travel together. Or maybe you love books, then go book hunting. Or maybe it’s music or sports.
6. Respect
Nobody likes a jerk. So don’t be that annoying person who craves attention and keeps ruining people’s day. When they notice you’re rude, nobody wants to work with you. Always respect people.
One thing to remember is that, even in the workplace, there are things we can do to connect with people and build meaningful relationships.
And who wouldn’t love a workplace where people help and care for each other?