The truth is, we can’t change people.
If they spread negativity and bring you or others down, there’s nothing you can do.
Sure, you can say something positive. You can inspire them to change. You can help solve their problems. And you can try to understand why they’re being toxic (empathy always works).
But you can never change them.
The only way to help toxic people is to stay away from them. Leave them alone. And let them learn their lessons.
Maybe that’s not the case for everyone. Maybe they really are in danger and need urgent help. If that so, then do what you believe is right.
In most cases, however, it’s better to leave them alone and not waste time arguing.
Instead of forcing change, just show them how to live a good life — the kind of life you really wanted for them.
Maybe then, they’ll be inspired and they’ll realize how toxic they’ve become. And maybe it’s time for them to change. Hopefully.